How Does BTCs (Satoshi App) Mining Work?

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How Does Satoshi Mining Work?How Does Satoshi Mining Work?
How Does Satoshi Mining Work?

<h3>How Does Satoshi Mining Work?</h3>

There are different ways to mine Satoshi; you can do it yourself or join a mining pool to achieve the process. However, if you want to make my Satoshi yourself, you need so much patience because mining one block of Bitcoin takes a long time. But, mining is faster in the case of joining a mining pool.


To get started with Satoshi mining, you have to go through the following steps:


1. Download a (Satoshi mining app). Although there are dozens of mining apps from which to have a preferred choice, you can download Bitcoin mining apps like Bitcoin Miner Robot.


2. Create an account and log in to begin.


3. Choose a mining pool. It is best to join a mining pool with more members.


4. Click “Start Mining”, and your Satoshi mining will begin.


5. You will have to go through real-name authentication.


6. Enter your details in the provided space.


7. Enter your government-issued identification number, which is a card that clearly shows your name.


8. Proceed to facial recognition.


Click the start mining button to resume cryptocurrency mining after successful real-name authentication. You will mine 150 blocks every 24 hours before you can start collecting rewards. Once your mining hits 150 blocks, it will wait until you click the button to claim your prize, which will automatically start mining again.
