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Poem 6: "The Ocean's Song"

The ocean's song is never still
It moves and flows, with a gentle thrill
The waves crash against the shore
A rhythmic beat, that we can't ignore

The ocean's song, it echoes far
A melody that's known to all
The seagulls cry, the dolphins play
The ocean's song, it calls to stay

Its depths are vast, and full of life
A world that's teeming, with wonder and strife
The coral reefs, the sea anemones
The ocean's song, a symphony of peace

And as we listen, to the ocean's song
We feel a peace that's been there all along
A connection to all that surrounds
A love that knows no bounds

So let us dance, to the ocean's song
Let it fill our souls, with a love so strong
For in the beauty of its melody
We find a place of peace and tranquility.

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Poem 3: "The Dance of Life"

Life is a dance that we all must learn
With twists and turns at every turn
We step and sway to the rhythm of fate
Sometimes we fall, but it's never too late

We dance through joy and we dance through pain
Through sunshine and through pouring rain
Each step we take is a chance to grow
And every misstep helps us to know

That life is not always a perfect dance
And sometimes we must take a chance
To find the rhythm that beats within
And let our souls take flight, and begin

To dance with abandon, and with grace
To find the beauty in every place
And though the music may sometimes fade
We can still find the beat, and be unafraid

To dance on, through the ups and downs
To find the joy that is always around
For life is a dance that we all must learn
And with every step, we can turn

Our dreams into reality, and our fears into strength
And dance with a passion that knows no length
So let's dance, and let our hearts be free
And find the beauty in our own unique melody.

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Poem 2: "Soul's Journey"

In the depths of my soul lies a fire
A flame that burns with unquenchable desire
It drives me forward, to reach new heights
To explore the unknown and take to new flights

Through the dark and through the light
My soul's journey continues to take flight
It leads me to places I've never known
To the farthest reaches of the unknown

I've traveled through deserts, mountains and seas
Explored the depths of my own mysteries
My soul has been tested time and again
But through it all, it remains my friend

For it is my soul that guides me on
To the path that I am meant to be on
And though the journey may be long and hard
I know that with my soul, I can go far.

So I will keep on traveling through time
With my soul as my compass and guide
And though the road may be winding and steep
I know that my soul will always keep me on my feet

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Poem 1: "Echoes of Time"

Echoes of time, they whisper to me
Stories of ages, of love and of glee
They speak of long forgotten lands
Of mighty kingdoms and warring bands

I listen intently to their song
As memories of the past come along
They tell of heroes, of triumph and loss
Of battles fought and victory's cost

I hear the echoes of ancient days
As they reveal their timeless ways
Their voices carry on the wind
And I am transported deep within

To a time of magic, of myth and lore
Where the impossible was always in store
And I am left to wonder and dream
Of all the wonders that time has seen

For the echoes of time are always there
A reminder of all that we once shared
And though the past may be gone and done
Its echoes will forever live on.


Our poem group is a community of poets who come together to share their work and support one another in their writing journey. We welcome poets of all skill levels and styles, and believe that the power of poetry can bring people together and inspire self-expression and growth.

Our meetings take place on a weekly basis and consist of open mic sessions, writing prompts, and workshop sessions where we give and receive constructive feedback on each other's work. We also host special events and writing workshops throughout the year to